
Mastering Macro Photography: Tips and Techniques

Mastering Macro Photography: Tips and Techniques

Macro photography offers a gateway to a hidden world of beauty and detail. By understanding magnification, working distance, equipment, lighting, composition, and focusing techniques, you can capture stunning macro images...

Mastering Macro Photography: Tips and Techniques

Macro photography offers a gateway to a hidden world of beauty and detail. By understanding magnification, working distance, equipment, lighting, composition, and focusing techniques, you can capture stunning macro images...

Evolution of Dictionaries: From the Ancient world to Art

Evolution of Dictionaries: From the Ancient wor...

Throughout history there has been a strong link between language and art, from the pictoral hieroglyphs representing pictures of living beings or inanimate objects,  retaining a close connection to the fine arts...

Evolution of Dictionaries: From the Ancient wor...

Throughout history there has been a strong link between language and art, from the pictoral hieroglyphs representing pictures of living beings or inanimate objects,  retaining a close connection to the fine arts...

Ukiyo-e Art: Timeless Art of Japanese Traditional Prints

Ukiyo-e Art: Timeless Art of Japanese Tradition...

Embark on a captivating journey through the mesmerizing world of Ukiyo-e art, where vibrant colours and intricate details breathe life into fleeting moments. From its intriguing origins during the Edo...

Ukiyo-e Art: Timeless Art of Japanese Tradition...

Embark on a captivating journey through the mesmerizing world of Ukiyo-e art, where vibrant colours and intricate details breathe life into fleeting moments. From its intriguing origins during the Edo...

Our Story

Our Story

2017 It all started with our vintage patent prints, we began painstakingly digitally colouring each file pixel by pixel to create something a bit different as a side project to our furniture...

Our Story

2017 It all started with our vintage patent prints, we began painstakingly digitally colouring each file pixel by pixel to create something a bit different as a side project to our furniture...

The Artistic Legacy of John Ruhl

The Artistic Legacy of John Ruhl

Explore the life and legacy of John Ruhl, the American sculptor who effortlessly merged classical techniques with modern themes to leave an indelible imprint on American art. From iconic public...

The Artistic Legacy of John Ruhl

Explore the life and legacy of John Ruhl, the American sculptor who effortlessly merged classical techniques with modern themes to leave an indelible imprint on American art. From iconic public...

Patent Friday: Lego Man

Patent Friday: Lego Man

This is the first instalment of a weekly feature inspired by our fantastic range of Patent Prints – first up Lego Man!


Patent Friday: Lego Man

This is the first instalment of a weekly feature inspired by our fantastic range of Patent Prints – first up Lego Man!